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Thursday, September 01, 2005

If You Can Read This, You Might Have a Computer

For anyone looking for a new place to donate money for the flood victims, there are (as Nan at Iced Tea NOT Coke would say) a "crap load" of links availabe on
Instapundit.com's flood relief post.

Okay...this might make me a really insensitive person but I'm going to say it anyway. I think it's really great that people want to do so much for the flood victims. I REALLY do...I want to do anything I can, too, which is the only reason I participated in this little excercise to begin with. However, as I sat here typing this entry, I started wondering how this was really helping. Aside from providing people with more charity options then they ever imagined existed, it's not.

Let's face it, you can't turn on the television or radio, pick up a paper, surf the web or talk to someone at work and not find out how to donate to, oh I dunno, let's say the Red Cross...I hear they do charity work. I understand that the blogger community is trying to get the word out but who do they really think they are reaching? (BTW - I can't really consider myself part of "the community" yet. I just moved in and, let's face it, I don't know a lot of my neighbors.) If someone is reading blogs, I'm PRETTY SURE that person has a computer and will see headlines all over the place. People who don't have access to television, radio or print probably don't own a computer either.

Like I said, this probably makes me a big, insensitive, cynical oaf but it just doesn't make a lot of sense to me....outside of giving people a crap load of options. So, there's my silver lining, I suppose. Oh! And maybe there's some added guilt involved if people see these links everywhere...but I doubt it.

I always thought I'd be a good philanthropist...maybe not. I guess I'll need a new retirement plan.


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